1. I hereby consent to allow Lukoil Malaysia and its employees (collectively/ individually “Lukoil”) to:


a) collect, use, disclose and/or process personal data about me that I had previously provided Lukoil, that I now provide Lukoil with and/or that Lukoil possesses about me as but not limited to my name, my identification number, my telephone numbers, my address, for the following purpose:

to provide me with marketing, advertising and promotional information, materials and/or documents relating to services that Lukoil may be selling, offering or promoting, whether such services exist now or are created in the future.

b) send me such marketing, advertising and promotional information through any and/or all the following modes of communication:

  1. Mobile Number (Voice Call/ Text Messages)
  2. Residential Number
  3. Office Number
  4. Email Address
  5. Postal Address


c) disclose personal data about me to Lukoil’s service providers, which may be sited outside of Malaysia, for the above purpose.